The AIDS Emergency Fund (AEF) provides short-term emergency financial assistance to San Franciscans battling HIV/AIDS. Since 1982, the AEF has rallied community support to help pay basic living costs such as rent, utility bills and medical expenses for poverty-level San Franciscans with disabling HIV or AIDS. Annually, the AEF helps nearly 2,500 clients.
The Breast Cancer Emergency Fund (BCEF) was founded in 2001, modeled after the AIDS Emergency Fund. The BCEF provides short-term emergency financial assistance to low-income San Franciscans battling breast cancer. The BCEF also makes referrals to agencies that can provide longer-term help with practical and emotional support and other vital services.
Founded in 2000, the Rainbow World Fund (RWF) promotes LGBT philanthropy in the area of world humanitarian relief. RWF works to help people who suffer from hunger, poverty, disease, oppression and war by raising awareness and funds to support relief efforts around the world.
The RWF currently supports projects in Africa, Asia, Central America, the Caribbean, and the United States. Its partners include Adopt-A-Minefield, Africare, America's Second Harvest, CARE, and Water Partners International. The RWF also conducts global awareness tours to Central America. Of every $1 RWF received in 2005, 98.5 cents went to programs that serve those most in need. |