Host (Individual) Sponsor
2007 Host Sponsors
as of 9-25-07
Brent Ackerman
John Ahlen
Gary Alfieri
Douglas Allan
Shin Aoki
John Barfield/LW Bercini
Ross Cascio
Mario Champagne
Bryan Dunkeld
Worth Gardner
David Gendreau
Craig Gotfried
Tracy Hipps
John Hoffman
Crispin Hollings
David Jackson
Jeff James
Douglas Jantz
Ronald Jenkins
Terry Jensen
Klint Kendrick
Vance Kinoshita
Hagan Ko
Charles Locher
Jeff Lorch
Donald McKillop
Bryan Michaels
Ken Mikos
Jamie Moran
Cade Morrow
George Naylor
Craig Olson
B.J. Patnode
Roy Perkel
Randy Pocius
Ron Points
James Porter
Allen Register
Ken Ross
Steve Sullivan
Calvin Tamura
Ralph Thomas
Mark Troy
Peter Turcotte
Bill Turner
Anthony Webb
Alan Westley
Steven Wissing
Isabel Yang
Dawn Yoshida
Ingu Yun
Support the Stompede! Join our family of host sponsors! As a host sponsor of the Stompede, you’ll know that you’re sharing in the success of this great weekend, and all that it does for our community. Plus, your contribution is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law!
Host sponsors receive a special VIP StompedePass which entitles you to
- all the activities of a regular StompedePass
- VIP Welcome Reception, Friday evening
- T-shirt
- listing as sponsor in the program (rec'd prior to Sept. 10)
- complimentary coat-check at the night-time dances
- and our eternal gratitude
Host Sponsorships:
- $130, postmarked by Sept. 28, 2007
- $150 on-site
Duo sponsorships: If you would like to be listed as a couple, please submit separate registration forms, but indicate on the form how you would like to be listed.